Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day 3

God always provides a way when He calls you to do something. God will not lead you into a situation and leave you. He's always there, even when we make mistakes after He leads us He's still there. Obviously He knows we are going to make mistakes so He's allowed a more time in bringing us out. He has reserved a calling on your life that only you can do. Your calling is just as unique and special as was Jesus. John 15 Do not grow weary in doing good for in due time you will reap. Be faithful while doing good. God will take care of your stress, pain, exhaustion, stay in the Word and always pray. Isaiah 40:28 click on that I have learned for myself that If I make time for God as soon as I wake up then He makes time for everything else. B. busy U. under S. satans Y. yoke. Sometimes satans wants us to stay so busy that we don't focus on God. we only focus on our problems when if we would just look toward Heaven God will take care of our problems. satan loves it when we are not focused on God and we are in the "what about me" rut. It's not about us. Jesus said to lay down our life and pick up our cross and follow. If we know that we are going to heaven then we should lead others to Jesus. Jesus died for us so why not live for Him. Everything we do should glorify God in some way. Everything we do should show others what God and Jesus are about. I would hate to think that just because I had a frown one day it turned someone away from God or a cuss word slipped out in anger and someone judged me based on that. OUR race is long and sometimes tiring but God is at the end saying "come on my good and faithful servant, Your crown and rewards await you." Man, I don't know about you but I can't wait to see the look on my Father's face when my race is over to know that I made it. I was a good and faithful servant and my work was pleasing to my heavenly family. I can't wait to have Him wrap His arms around me. God is preparing you for something and you should take advantage of all the learning and power you can receive from Him. We have power in our words. There are so many scriputres that tell us to speak and it will be done. Not think about it or mumble it but say it like it is. Pray in Jesus name and send off those evil spirits. They have to obey, Jesus is their ultimate master.

I'm not judging you or anything like that I just want to make sure you know this. I would hate to think that I didn't share something that you needed to hear and Jesus got upset with me. I know that you know that going to church everytime the doors are open does not make you a Christian. I just have the urge to tell you that what makes us a Christian is our "personal" relationship with Chirst. We need to have the same kind of relationship with God that we have with our closest friends and family. We need to communicate often with Him. We need to take His advice when He gives it and we need to prioritize the relationship we have with Him. We need to have contact daily with Him. The more we seek Him and pray the more He speaks to us and guides us. We won't know what to do If we don't take the time to listen. For an example I get up every morning and start my day by either watching or listening to a service. I don't do anything for my kids during this time or michael for that matter, most of the time we do this together. At some point in the day I have my prayer time when it's just me and God and then I study some scriptures either by reading my Bible or looking at a Bible website online. On most days I have really good days in the Lord. I know that when I spend time with Him it energizes me. Reciting scripture is like speed. Remember that verse Philippians 4:13 I know you think I'm crazy but when I recited that daily it was like an energy boost. God healed me of my bipolar. I can't tell enough people about that. I felt His blood run through me that sunday at church. I have not had one manic or depression episode. I have another health issue that has been healed. I have no reason to be depressed when I know that my Redeemer lives in me and He controls everything, even the little things He cares about.

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