Monday, May 11, 2009

Adventures: Day One

First of all I want to say Thank you Jesus. Without Him Life would be impossible to handle. Secondly I would like to say His Word is alive and active in me. I woke up this morning in a new way, my father-in-law called me. This started my day and it's what opened up the can of blessings I have received. The last few days have been hard. Life is hard but it's even harder when confusion and discouragement set in. Today Xander and I were going over our new Bible verse for the week. Phillippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. I said it over and over so Xander could learn it. The power in that one verse hit me like a mack truck. As a follower of Jesus I can do anything because He's right behind me encouraging me and giving me WooHoo's when I think I don't deserve it. Then I read John 15:1-9. One particular verse hit me as well. Jesus wants us to have wonderful things, material things, spiritual things and more than that happiness. If we abide in His Word and His Word is abiding in our hearts then there's no reason we should be sad. His Word is our roadmap to success. In the end it comes down to just to places we could be at, Heaven or Hell. Now, I don't know about you but I sure don't want to spend eternity having satan laugh at me because I fell for his tricks and schemes. I want to be in Heaven and to get there I strive everyday to make my Creator proud that He made me. I am fulfilling my purpose that in itself it what brings happiness, contentment and peace. I have more peace about life than I have ever had before. I know that whatever happens Jesus is right there ready to pick up the pieces and put them back together. Today was an adventure of wisdom. Today I feel energized like I've taken a dozen caffiene pills. Only God can create that kind of energy or buzz. It's so powerful and yet peaceful at the same time. Can you imagine if God's word has that much power just when speaking it then how much more power does He have in Him!!! I can't wait to see Him and just..... I would be speechless taken aback in pure awe...... Just think about our Creator loves us so much He designed every detail about us. He knows every little quirk and tick we have. He knows because He created them. He has a very special purpose for each of us and I promise if you take up His word, surrender your control over to Him then your life will be so much more joyful, peaceful and complete. I promise you that. Dear Lord, I want to thank you for every thing that you have shown me. In your Name Jesus Ipray that others reading this will feel a settling peace in their hearts and know that You Love Them. Amen

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