Monday, May 25, 2009

Adventures: Day 4

I have a thought for you to ponder today. Visualize this in your mind as you read. Our Savior is on the cross slowly dying a miserable death. Now, think about this, we are supposed to strive to be like Christ. We are supposed to reach out and touch others and show them love. I have a learned a very important lesson this week about "selfless love." What is selfless love you ask? Well the answer is so amazing and simple yet it took me awhile to actually grasp it. Once you get it I pray that the emotion overwhelms you just as it did me. Jesus while suffering was still at work for His Father. Jesus, dying on the cross, still reached out to the thief beside him. Jesus never even complained or mentioned that He was suffering. He didn't say "OH, I just feel so bad." He was still fulfilling His Purpose while dying. That, my friend, is selfless love. When you can become so focused on God during your trials and suffering that you are still working for Jesus. Afterall, after we take on the role as Christian it's really not about us anymore is it?
Read Luke 23:32-43. Just focus on the story of Jesus dying and at the end the thief beside Him cries out for mercy and Jesus still answered.

That is how we should be as Christians. That should be the mind set we put on everyday when we wake up. Before your feet ever hit the floor pray for the love that Jesus had all the way to the end and go out and help someone. You will be amazed how quickly your problems intensity dies out. God is our ultimate healer, consoler, He's our best Friend. He's just waiting on us to let Him help.

I know today's adventure is not very long but it's very deep.

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