Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Blessings

I'm writing this to let everyone know what God has done for me and my family. The Bible says we should praise God in every situation and speak good of Him often.

One month ago, we moved (again, yes I know) to Emory. One weekend we had a yard sale. We put out the usual signs, listed on some internet sites and run an ad in the local paper. In the two days we had that sale the Lord brought lots of people that had lots of money HAHAHA!!!! We made enough money to get the guys a deer lease, a camper to sleep in and some other odds-n-ends they needed. That was the reason for the yard sale was to purchase a deer lease. Anyhow, two days before the sale Michael and I were talking about how much we thought we could make. I said you know what, the Bible says ask and you shall receive. I said lets just claim the least amount of money you need and believe we have it and let God do the rest. Well, they needed $650.00 at that time so that's what we prayed and thanked God for. Here's the good part. With everything that sold, we made over $700!!! There was no earthly guarantee that we would make that much. I had the guarantee from the Bible that says ask, believe, and be thankful!!!

The next blessing:

I went to the doctor about a year and a half ago maybe, if that long. I had been having this problem come up about once a month or sometimes just every other month. Well, the doctor said "I'm 99% sure it's this. So I said ok, that's what I thought it was anyways. She said, there's no cure for it but you can take medicine to lessen the effects of it. I thought ok that's fine as long as it's on the discount list at Wal-Mart. I never really thought that God would heal me of it because of the type of disease it was. My mentality was "that's what you get for doing what you did." The medicine didn't help at all so I quit taking it. I'm not a fan of medicine anyways. I did a study a couple of months ago and it really changed my perspective on things. That particular day I was having symptons of this disease, it was full blown and active. After I did that day's section, I did my prayer time. Now, let me remind you this is my personal experience and I will tell it like it happened. While I was praying I felt hot oil running through my body, I lost my breath and I was weak for what seemed like an hour. I was praying so hard all I could see was Jesus smiling back at me with His arms out. I wanted so bad for this vision to be happening in real life. I was thanking God for everything I could imagine. Well, after I was done I started doing my daily tasks not paying much attention to what had happened in my prayer time. It happens here and there and It give me energy so I try to be productive afterwards. That afternoon I had done a particular task and noticed that it didn't hurt. I thought "Hmmm, that's weird." I had to check it out and examine it for myself. Ready for God Bumps?........................The spot where the disease was present had completely disappeared, there was no sign it had ever been there and I felt peace inside like never before. It was like God was saying "why did you think I wouldn't take care of it? You have been suffering so long out of ignorance and it's rediculous." I just started crying, I called a few people and shared what happened. I know this well help some people and some people won't believe but that's your right to choose. Just know this, no matter what you are going through or have gone through, it's happened before and there is an answer. You have to find it, study it, believe it with your whole heart as that's all you know. When satan tries to throw it back in your face, you tell him to go back to hell where he came from and take his disease with him in the Mighty Name of Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I think that's all i have right now. Have a wonderful day and go be a Blessing!!!