Thursday, October 1, 2009

Adventures: Day 8 Speaking the Truth in love

What is speaking the truth in love? Have you ever had to do it? Is it supposed to be easy or hard? Will you lose friends or will you grow closer to them?

Well, I have had to do this on occasion and here's my take on it.........

Speaking the truth in love is hard sometimes but it's so worth it if the goal is one of kindness. The Bible tells us not to judge others because basically we have no right. What we can do though is pray and when you see or know of them doing something that maybe doesn't line up with God's Word, take them to the side and lovingly let them know. Sometimes we get so caught up in a problem or issue that we don't see what we are doing. I know if I were to do something wrong out of ignorance I would sure want someone to tell me so I could get it right. We don't need to point out these mistakes in the middle of everyone but do it quietly so no one is embarrassed. Jesus doesn't want to embarrass us. One of our goals as Christians is to lift each other up so we can grow closer to God and have a stronger faith in Him.

I hope this helps someone today learn to have compassion and not be judgemental